Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The New Years Resolution

Let's be honest here, how many of us have actually followed through on a resolution??
Really??? I know some of the ones I have set myself in years gone by had been in a state of despair after striking out on a night out, probably in a state of drunkenness or feeling sorry for myself too.

Anyway, why should it be some big thing to decide on December 31 that "Hey I'm going to give up smoking" or "You know what, I am going to drop those 10 kilos" or pretty much something along those lines of getting yourself healthy. If you are one of those people then good on you for getting some motivation and deciding to do something, now keeping that motivation and getting some inspiration is the tough part. For me, inspiration is everywhere to get healthy and it should be for you too, have you got kids?? there's inspiration, do you have a wife/husband/partner etc?? there is some more inspiration, what about a mirror?? even more inspiration.

Now, 2015 is going to be the year it all happens for you, let's not get overawed and remember some key things, it isn't going to happen straight away so don't get disheartened and there are many stepping stones to get to your goal.

I have 4 basic steps to start your journey

1. Buy Smaller Plates
2. Cut out the soft drinks
3. Reduce your take aways
4. Go for a walk/ride 2 to 3 times a week

All 4 do take a bit of effort but for a starting point they are all quite realistic, and that is the major word we should be focusing on here. All the goals you have set yourself should be realistic, realistically achievable in a realistic time frame.
Smaller Plates - a very simple strategy, smaller plates mean it takes less to fill them up 
Soft Drinks - this is my downfall, I love the soft drinks but they cause the bloated gut and fill us up with the sugar that we can really do without, so finding an alternative is a key goal.
Take Aways - yes I know they are cheap and easy and I wouldn't tell you to stop them completely as we all need a break from cooking, so try limiting them to once a fortnight.
Walk/Ride etc - do this a few times a week, 30 minute brisk walk or a ride to get the heart beating is an essential part to get things going.

Feel free to reply with your goals as one of mine is to assist as many people as I can in achieving theirs.