Saturday, January 3, 2015

Goal Re Evaluation required ???

So you've had a couple of days to digest your resolution and you may have started well by counting the calories, gone for a walk or even joined a gym. Congratulations if you have, but what is your plan for tomorrow, next week or even next month and how are you going to keep testing yourself as depending on who you are the novelty will more than likely wear off.

Let's say you joined a gym, are you going to get your moneys worth, have you got an exercise program to follow, did you fork out for a personal trainer ??? I have my thoughts on personal trainers and yes I have done all the education and training to be one and do train the odd person but not once have I charged any money for doing so, but I will leave my thoughts out of this post. Anyway, whatever you are doing, you need a plan to test your body and to keep surprising it as boredom will lead to bad habits. If you are going for a run, make sure you enjoy doing it and not getting up at whatever hour thinking "Oh sh!t, I have to run again" or somehow find motivation to do your 50 crunches or push ups. There are so many alternatives out there to exercise and finding one you enjoy doing is an integral part of trying different methods as if you are not looking forward to doing whatever exercises you are doing yet again it won't last.

Counting calories ??? yes that is an option but you still have to eat the right calories, still get some exercise and be patient. Patience is definitely a virtue when you decide to get healthy as things are not going to happen overnight and frustration can also lead you back to old ways so changing little things with your goals can help. Instead of having your goal as 10 kilograms, re evaluate that goal to, let's say 5cm off the waist and at the same time every week record your measurements as sometimes your weight will actually increase (muscle mass) when you start exercising but your measurements in the waist will decrease. And be flexible and realistic with those goals, have a goal for February 1, if you achieve that or get close, set another goal for March 1 and work from there but have your long term goal for December 31. So you might want to lose 5cm by March 1 but you may want to lose 20cm by December so plan out your goals both short and long term.

There are other ways to get healthy that you may be adopting too, weights, exercise and changing your diet but yet again you need to plan ahead and not just work off the top of your head. Personally I know what I am eating 2 weeks in advance at the moment and would like to have it mapped out further but I am still experimenting with meals I want to add to my plans. My exercise plan is still a bit up in the air due to the after effects of an illness last year and my weight program is getting back to some sort of normality although I do have a set number of certain activities that I push myself to do every day. Every night when I lay down, I make sure I do between 125 and 250 curls on each arm and during the day make sure I do at least 100 reps on the muscle group I feel like working on. But as I said before, what works for some may not work for others so you may prefer to do something else, but please, enjoy yourself whilst you do it and do make it seem like a chore.

As I have said before and as I will say over and over again, feel free to ask anything as I will do my best to offer any assistance and if I don't know, I will find out.

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